Ilahduttavaa oli huomata, että viime kesänä istuttamistani uusista pioneista ainakin yksi on selvinnyt hyvin talvesta. Tämä olikin ensimmäinen kerta kun niin on tapahtunut. Ei siis kannata luovuttaa ikinä!
The first flowers of this spring were right on time. As soon as I had planted them, the bee came to look for food but the flowers were empty.
The green house is also ready for the new summer. It waits for the tomatoes and cucumbers that are growing on the kitchen table. They are growing very well. I don't dare to plant them in the green house just yet in case there are still some colder nights coming.
I was very pleased to notice that at least one of the peonys I planted last summer survived the winter. This was the first time. Never give up!